Patricia Scialo Photography
Room 301B
Photography, Hand Crafted, Fine Art Prints
In September 2019, Patricia became a residence of Massachusetts. Having had a studio in a community art center in Pennsylvania she was delighted to find the Lydia Pinkham art studios.
Originally from Long Island, NY, she started art school at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, from there she became an intern at Peters Valley Craft Center, Layton, NJ and continued at the International Center for Photography, NYC.
She specializes in historic and alternative photographic processes using film, and hand applied light sensitive chemistry to artist made paper. Her work received an honorable mention in the 12th Annual, Julia Margaret Cameron Awards exhibiting in Barcelona, Spain.
Patricia Scialo - Artist Statement
My photographic works are created primarily from an intuitive starting point, transforming the subject through light.
With the use of a lens, I start the process of image making creating abstract forms that emphasize line and shadow. Through the printmaking process I continue to manipulate the image with various techniques such as hand applied light sensitive emulsions, encaustic and graphite.
Within the imagery I compose, I strive to create depth, giving the viewer the opportunity to look within, pause and contemplate the subtleties of what lies beneath.